As of March 2025, the United States looks well on its way to autocracy. President Donald Trump has sought to purge the federal government of those disloyal to the Trump movement. He’s placed loyalists in key law enforcement positions in an effort to consolidate power; and avoid accountability if he chooses to ignore federal law. He’s antagonized the free press, engaged in quid pro quos with indicted politicians, pardoned violent supporters, removed guardrails against high level corruption, and threatened America’s allies with territorial conquest.
All the while, Trump’s billionaire toady Elon Musk has orchestrated a blitzkrieg through various parts of the federal government. In an effort to outpace court action, Musk and his unvetted allies have gutted entire federal agencies. They’ve also gained unwarranted access to sensitive government data and information. An unelected billionaire wielding massive amounts of unchecked, unaccountable power over the federal government is classic autocracy. Also, in true autocratic fashion, Musk’s companies remain intertwined legally and financially with the very government he is bending to his will.
Like the good autocrats they are, Trump and Musk have used lies and misinformation to justify their actions. In true Orwellian fashion, Musk’s ownership of the social media platform X serves as a megaphone to spread propaganda to millions. Trump and Musk have perfected a standard autocratic mode of operation: Cherry pick out of context information, or outright lie. Spread the information to your followers and whip them into an angry, reactionary force. Perform legally dubious, self serving, power consolidating actions. Then rinse and repeat.
Despite Trump and Musk’s autocratic prowess, the true ideological center for America’s current trajectory is Vice President JD Vance. Ideologically embedded in what has been coined the ‘New Right’, Vance has fully embraced autocratic political thought. He’s aligned himself with thinkers who believe America’s democracy has run its course - and that social progress can only be obtained through technocracy or monarchical rule. He has also begun to lay the pretext for the Trump administration to openly defy federal court rulings. If such a thing were to happen, it would be a clear indicator of America’s autocratic turn.
Autocratic movements create their own morality, value systems, and sense of patriotism - all of which are inauthentic of course. Inauthentic in the sense that they are cynical creations that exist to further the aims of the autocratic movement. They exist to consolidate power, maintain power, and justify terrible actions. An example of this would be when autocratic movements create an ‘enemy’ to be hated and fought. Through the use of lies and propaganda, hatred of this fictitious enemy becomes morally essential.
As Donald Trump, Elon Musk, and the New Right sweep through the federal government, they do so with righteous conviction. They’ve created a moral framework that uses their conception of the ‘deep state’ and DEI (Diversity Equity Inclusion) programs to justify law breaking actions. Recently, Trump posted on X and quoted the French emperor Napoleon by saying, ‘he who saves his country does not violate any laws’. This is an autocratic moral and ethical construction whose purpose is to justify ignoring federal law.
Yet while autocratic movements like Trumpism contain false morality and values; it’s what they lack that might be the most important. Missing from autocratic machinations are things like truth, liberty, human dignity, friendship, love, virtue, character, empathy, honor, a sense of justice, a respect for the rule of law, an acknowledgement of true freedom, or authentic moral convictions. This dearth of qualities has been on full display as the Trump administration has tormented America’s traditional allies, while embracing its authoritarian adversaries.
Autocracy can only thrive when ‘The Good’ has vanished or faded in its vitality. ‘The Good’ in this case being all the positive qualities mentioned in the previous paragraph. The Good is also the only thing that can be used to truly oppose autocracy. Appealing to what is universally right and true is the bedrock to autocratic opposition. Movements for freedom, democracy, justice, or equality are fated to be oriented towards The Good. There can be no other way. Autocracy and The Good are bound opposites; as one enters, the other must retreat.
When I was a child in the 1980’s, The Good as it related to American governance was culturally owned by the Conservative right. Embodied by then President Ronald Reagan’s ideological stand against the Soviet Union, American ideals were used to paint authoritarianism as evil and amoral. Notions of freedom, the Constitution, democracy, and the rule of law were used as political weaponry to chip away at the Soviet empire.
Yet on the domestic front, the Conservative political claim on The Good brought with it issues of cynicism and hypocrisy. Going back to the 1960’s, the Conservative claim on The Good was tainted by racism, sexism, economic inequality, and support for the madness of the Vietnam War. This triggered movements for civil rights, women’s rights, economic justice, and anti-war sentiments. These movements themselves were oriented towards The Good - after all, they were primarily about freedom, equality, and justice.
Civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. himself referred to the founding documents (and principles) of the United States as ‘promissory notes that had come due’. This basically meant that King saw the struggle for African American rights as a struggle to fulfill the nation's promise. In other words, the struggle for civil rights was a struggle to push the nation to fully embrace The Good that was supposed to be represented in its founding.
As the decades went by after the tumultuous 1960’s, The Good began to be greeted with increasing cynicism from younger generations and the political left. This was probably justified considering the fact that the Conservative movement began to drift even further rightward while merging politics with religion. Despite their ‘Christian values’, the right was immune to concerns about the poor, racial discrimination, or equal rights for women. The Good for the Christian Right represented a warped view of American principles, and a morality that was more about controlling behavior than fostering human flourishing.
This led to a situation where things like the Constitution, the rule of law, civic order, and authentic morality were tainted objects in the eyes of many. They were authentic aspects of The Good; but the idea of The Good itself was controlled (politically and philosophically) by a lousy, rightwing movement. This meant that cynicism became the main lens through which many in my generation began to view authority based conceptions of The Good. Plus by the 1990’s it was clear that soul crushing, unfettered capitalism had culturally cleared away everything else in American society. If there was one phrase that summed up our attitude towards The Good at the time, ‘It’s all bullshit’ would probably have been appropriate.
The 90’s cynicism towards The Good was briefly broken after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. Authentic patriotism, solidarity, community, and reflection emerged in the wake of the destruction of the World Trade Center. Yet this was short lived, as the administration of President George W. Bush used the authentic moment to build support for an unjust (and unnecessary) war. The Iraq War (2003-2011) was framed by President Bush as a moral necessity. Yet the reality was that the moral framing of the war was only a smokescreen to hide the true ideological and economic motivations behind it.
By 2008 the United States wallowed in cynicism fueled by the disastrous consequences of the Iraq War, the inept federal response to Hurricane Katrina, and the beginning of The Great Recession. Then Senator Barack Obama’s campaign for the presidency sought to use The Good via rhetoric and feeling to unite the country around a path forward. His campaign was reminiscent of another presidential campaign that sought to intertwine The Good within a political movement - the 1968 presidential campaign of New York Senator Robert F. Kennedy.
Obama used the story of his mixed race identity as a metaphor for The Good as it related to the ideals that the United States was supposed to represent. The idea that anyone, from anywhere, could be an American, and achieve their dreams. Slogans like ‘hope’ and ‘change’ powered his campaign rhetoric as he sought to give voters a reason to believe in the future. And when Obama became the first African American to win the presidency, even arch Conservatives felt a sense of authentic patriotism. The night of Obama’s victory, I remember Conservative commentator William Bennett on CNN saying something to the effect of:
It’s a great country. It’s a great country, and I hope he’s a great president.
Obama rose to power riding authentic waves of The Good when it came to rhetoric, political ideals, and the feeling in the country. If you watch his Inauguration, you can see the authentic smiles on the faces of Republicans, Democrats, and the massive crowd in attendance. It was probably one of the few times in the past 20 years a majority in the country agreed to be happy about anything. Yet the feeling was fleeting, as The Good quickly melted away; and the next 8 years brought about bitter, entrenched political division. Much of this could probably be attributed to the debut of the Iphone in 2007, the invention of Twitter in 2006, and the debut of Facebook’s news feed the same year. Each of these would prove to be a digital aneurysm within the minds of millions. Attention spans were obliterated, and the ability to discern what was actually true faded away. The effects would be so massive, that one could make the case that The Good itself was damaged beyond repair.
Back around 2011, when I was in graduate school at Brooklyn College, The Good was something I thought about often. I had a sense that things in the United States were trending in the wrong direction; and that some kind of authentic reformation of The Good was necessary if the negative trend was to be reversed. The problem was that it was very difficult to talk about such a thing without sounding naive or kitschy. Especially when, as was the case in 2011, the political or metaphysical situation wasn’t close to approaching the point of no return.
Things were bad. But they weren’t 2025, Constitutional democracy might be ending bad. Therefore, any ruminations on The Good had more to do with individual existential questions than saving the United States from autocracy. It seemed to be a theme with various writers, thinkers, and artists around my generation that there was a certain yearning for meaning and authentic feeling. The notion that after indulging in cynicism for so many years, we had realized deconstruction and nihilism were dead ends. It was not enough to embrace cynical truths about institutions or authority. We needed to build something real, something human; something that made life worth living.
A couple of years later, I would discover that this cultural paradigm had a name: metamodernism. Metamodernism was a concise theoretical description of the metaphysical situation that followed postmodernism. From my perspective, one of the most important aspects of metamodernism was that it not only recognized the human need for authentic feeling and meaning - it embraced them both. In other words, metamodernism not only acknowledged the need for The Good, it welcomed The Good without any cynical pretense. In metamodern thought, it was okay to be earnest and genuine.
I’m not sure if we can still say we are in the age of metamodernism in 2025 America. Things have gotten so dark and twisted, that it feels like there should be a new metaphysical description. Or maybe it’s just that the weight of autocracy is like a black hole that swallows everything around it. Regardless, I believe the way metamodernism allowed for an earnest acceptance of The Good is useful in this time of impending darkness. In order to oppose autocracy you need to advocate for something authentic, meaningful, and universally true.
If autocracy had a binary opposite, it would probably be true Freedom. Yes, not simply ‘freedom’; but Freedom with a capital F. In historian Tim Snyder’s recent book On Freedom he describes five components that make up what he describes as ‘positive freedom’: sovereignty, unpredictability, mobility, factuality, and solidarity. Sovereignty refers to a capacity for individuals to understand the world sufficiently to a point they can make informed judgements and take action. Unpredictability refers to the capacity for individuals to act creatively, and in ways that are not predetermined. Mobility describes the capacity for individuals to move through the world according to their desires, as well as social mobility. Factuality refers to knowing the truth about the world, which then enables individuals to change it. And solidarity refers to the recognition of the interconnectedness of all individuals and how freedom is collective and interdependent.
Snyder’s elements of Freedom describe something that comes from values, institutions, citizens, and governments. Very often Freedom is described as being ‘free from’ something. For example, the autocrats who make up the Trump administration might tell you Freedom means being free from immigrants, the administrative state, and the ‘liberal elite’. Yet actual Freedom is the freedom to do things - it’s a positive notion. Being free to speak one's mind, being free to live with dignity, being free to afford a decent living, or being free to pursue a good education.
The difference between notions of being free to and being free from is that one is connected to The Good, while the other can be used as an excuse for autocratic intentions. In George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984 he illustrates this through fleeting moments of Freedom for two of the main characters in the book. Winston and Julia find moments of escape from autocratic oppression where they are free to say what they want, free to think what they want, free to make love the way they want, and free to experience reality on their terms.
For their brief moments together, Winston and Julia are truly Free. They are free to live, and experience The Good. It is no mistake that Orwell eventually depicts ‘The Party’ (the authoritarians) torturing and squeezing all aspects of The Good out of the soul of Winston. Winston’s torturer, O’Brien, remarks ‘If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever’. O’Brien’s physical and psychological torture of Winson erases any sense of sovereignty, unpredictability, mobility, factuality, or solidarity. At the end of the ordeal, O’Brien shows the mentally and physically broken Winston his reflection and says:
You are rotting away - you are falling to pieces. What are you? A bag of filth. Now turn around and look into that mirror again. Do you see that thing facing you? That is the last man. If you are human, that is humanity.
O’Brien had to remove every last hope Winston had for Freedom or The Good. For those are the two things autocracy or authoritarianism must destroy in order to thrive.
On February 13th of this year, Donald Trump’s unqualified loyalist of a Defense Secretary gave a speech at a meeting of NATO defense ministers. Secretary Hegseth conveyed the basic philosophical message that runs through Trumpism and the New Right. The belief that Europe must pay for its own defense, as America has no real interest in guaranteeing European security anymore. This line of thought was no surprise considering the nature of the government delivering it. Yet there was one line in Hegseth’s speech that was illuminating. In trying to convey the supreme importance of military spending, Hegseth would say:
We can talk all we want about values. Values are important. But you can't shoot values, you can't shoot flags, and you can't shoot strong speeches. There is no replacement for hard power.
The problem with this is that values tell you when, why, and how to use hard power - one is the precursor for the other. But more importantly, values, along with The Good, and notions of true Freedom, formed the foundation for the relationship between the United States and its allies. The United States didn’t guarantee the security of Europe, Japan, South Korea, and others because of money or material gain. It did so because there was an authentic belief that Freedom should be protected, and that friends were important.
Things have changed now, as the Trump administration’s foreign policy is devoid of moral considerations and is based purely in transaction and self interest. There is no better example of this than how Trump and his acolytes have treated war-torn Ukraine, and its president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Despite Ukraine being a clear victim of Russian aggression, Trump tends to view the country and its president with contempt. Yet when it comes to the murderous authoritarian leader of Russia, Vladimir Putin, Trump has always sought to curry favor, and maintain a friendly relationship.
It is clear that Trump’s fondness for Putin at least partly arises out of admiration for his authoritarian rule. This kind of admiration of power and control can only exist without any notions of The Good, or true Freedom. Trump and Putin know both things are antithetical to their desire to accumulate, and maintain power. And at the end of the day, this is probably why both men hate Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. For he represents everything that runs opposite to the empty value structure of autocracy or authoritarian rule.
As the Russian war machine began to roll towards Kyiv on February 24, 2022, Zelenskyy had a choice. He could either flee and try to defend his country from afar. Or he could stay and face what would be certain death if Russia succeeded in its territorial conquest. Many American officials in Washington DC counseled Zelenskyy to leave. For they believed what the Russians believed; that Ukraine would be defeated in three days. Zelenskyy’s decision to stay was an act that embodied The Good, and true Freedom. At the end of the introduction to Timothy Snyder’s book On Freedom he would eloquently describe what Zelenskyy’s actions meant:
(American experts) had patiently explained that Zelenskyy would leave the country. American intelligence officers advised him to do so. All were representing an American consensus. Americans had told themselves for decades that freedom was negative. That it represented a clearing away of barriers by larger forces. If you believe in the primacy of the larger forces, then you have no choice when they seem to turn against you - you run. And you cannot imagine that others would behave any differently.
On the Friday (after the invasion), Zelenskyy posted a video of himself and other high government officials in Kyiv - the president is here. This was a transformative example of the freedom of speech. Like freedom in general, freedom of speech is not negative, but positive. Not about the barriers, but the person. Not about an absence, but a presence. We protect free speakers because truth threatens the power of tyrants.
Zelenskyy was speaking truth amidst the lies of Russian propagandists who claim he had abandoned the city. He was speaking his truth to power because Russia was invading with terrifying force. Zelenskyy was putting his body at risk for what he knew to be true. Indeed, it was what he was doing with his body - staying; that was the truth. His refusal to leave gives a hint of what positive freedom, true freedom might be.
Barriers to freedom were no doubt present, in a most radical form. Even as Zelenskyy spoke, Russian assassins were tracking him. The Russian army was at the gates of Kyiv. Russian bombs and missiles were falling. And virtually everyone outside Ukraine expected Russia to win the war within hours or days. And yet for Ukrainians, it was not so much the objects that were the issue; the bullets and the explosives. But the intention behind them; the elimination of a society.
Russian weapons had to be met with Ukrainian weapons, but they also had to be met with commitment. The Ukrainians defeated the Russians at Kyiv; and then at Kharkiv. Bucha would be de-occupied. (Other cities) as well, within a year of Russia’s full scale invasion. Ukrainians would regain more than half the land Russia took in February of 2022 - but only because people decided to stay.
When I asked Zelenskyy why he remained in Kyiv, he said that he could not have done otherwise. Explaining his choice, he began not from the specific predicament, dramatic though it was, and not even from himself. He spoke of his love for his parents and of what he had learned from them. He had not chosen them, and yet in his love for them he was free.
He compared that love to the decision to remain in the capital as the war began; something self evident. Staying was not something he did alone. He was in the company of those who had taught him when he was younger; and those that had elected him. He was in the company of others who were also taking risks. He understood the situation he said, because of what it meant to represent others.
A president, he said, was only the first grain of sand in a turning hourglass. We talked about, over time, beginning in youth, an accumulation of decisions makes us who we are. Then a moment comes when we do what we must because of what we have chosen to become. An unfree person can always try to run. But sometimes a free person has to stay - free will is character.
As Zelenskyy showed, the only true opposition to autocracy or authoritarianism lies within The Good. Authentic feeling, authentic values, and authentic principles are each required to establish true Freedom. Those seeking to slow the wave of autocracy sweeping the United States would do well to learn from Zelenskyy’s example. Otherwise, the future of America looks to be one where The Good is permanently replaced by lies, fear, anger, oppression, oligarchy, technocrats, and corruption. In other words; an autocrat's playground.